COVID-19 Vaccine Update

What if I feel sick?
Call your doctor: If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice.
Visit the Center For Disease Control and Prevention's website for guidelines on how to protect yourself from COVID-19 and what you should do if you think you’re sick.
State of Maine
COVID-19 response
Governor Janet Mills and the State Legislature passed two emergency bills to support workers and small businesses impacted by COVID-19 and to ensure the state government has the tools to help every Mainer in the face of a global pandemic.
What resources are there for me if I lost my job?
The state government is establishing a consumer loan guarantee program to provide no-interest loans for Maine workers who have lost their job or seen a drop in pay as a result of COVID-19
And temporarily expanding eligibility for unemployment benefits for workers impacted by COVID-19
What resources are there for my kids home from school?​
The state government is Increasing the Department of Education’s ability to waive certain school-day requirements and to continue school lunch programs for all eligible children
What is being done to contain the coronavirus in Maine?​
The legislature authorized Governor Mills to determine and direct the manner of the June 2020 primary, if necessary
The state government is delaying the effective date of the single-use plastic bag ban to January 15, 2021.
The legislature authorized Governor Mills to adjust state, county and municipal government deadlines and to permit all public entities to meet by remote participation
The state government is expanding the ability of Maine Emergency Medical Services’ Board and staff to take actions more promptly
What actions will help me if I can't pay my bills?
The legislature authorized Governor Mills to prohibit utilities from terminating residential electric and water service
State of Maine Vaccine Information
Vaccinations are now open for every Mainer ages 12 and up.
How do I sign up for the vaccine?
– You can call the vaccine hotline at 1-888-445-4111. The hotline is live on Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., or Saturday-Sunday: 8 a.m.- 2 p.m.
– You can find your nearest vaccination site online and sign up by calling the individual site. Click here to find a comprehensive list of vaccine clinics in Maine.
What do I do if I need transportation? ​
– The Department of Health and Human Services is offering a free option for Maine people who need a ride to and from a COVID-19 vaccination appointment. Call 1-855-608-5172 to reserve a ride at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment.
What are the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine?
– The injection into your arm won’t feel different than any other vaccine. The side effects, which can resemble the symptoms of COVID-19, last about a day and appear more likely after the second dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Side effects can include fatigue, headaches, chills minor swelling, pain at the injection site, and muscle pain.
– The side effects should not last more than a few days. If they do, contact your primary care doctor. ​
Do I need to continue social distancing and wearing a mask once I'm vaccinated?
–Due to the rise of the contagious delta variant of the Coronavirus, Maine has updated its mask mandate to follow the CDC's guidelines. This means universal masking, regardless of vaccination status, in counties that are seeing substantial virus transmission.
– Even when we're outdoors, in public settings, we can't be sure who is vaccinated and who isn't. It's important to follow all guidelines until the CDC says otherwise.
Do I need to pay for the vaccine myself?
– No, vaccine doses purchased with U.S. taxpayer dollars will be provided at no cost.
– For insured people (including Medicare and Medicaid), the vaccine will be covered by insurance. For uninsured people, any administrative fees will be covered by the federal Provider Relief Fund.

Resources for workers, families and small businesses
Visit Maine Equal Justice for information on health care, food and financial security, evictions and court proceedings, and other resources. Maine Equal Justice is continuously updating these resources as information becomes available.
Kennebec Valley Community Action Program (KVCAP)
KVCAP provides resources and guidance for low income people living in Kennebec, Lincoln, Somerset, and Sagadahoc Counties, connecting community members in need to a variety of local supports. KVCAP helps people find transportation services, heating assistance, parenting resources, and many other programs that promote financial stability.
Maine Consumers for Affordable Health Care
Maine Consumers for Affordable Health Care helps Mainers find health care coverage either through MaineCare or private insurance. If you need coverage and are having a hard time finding the right health care coverage for you or your family, call the number below to request assistance from Maine Consumers for Affordable Healthcare.