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Caitlin DeLuca

Every Mainer should have access to healthcare

As Maine’s economy partially reopens and Mainers return to the workplace, businesses and working families are adjusting to our “new normal.” But there is still more work to be done to ensure the health of Mainers and the longevity of our economic recovery.

We know that both our communities and workplaces thrive when families are healthy. To stop the spread of this virus and ensure our economy stays afloat, we need to make sure Maine’s hardworking families have access to comprehensive and affordable health care.

According to a recent study by FamiliesUSA, there are 106,000 uninsured adults in Maine. Between February and May alone, 14,000 laid-off Mainers lost their health insurance due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Without access to affordable coverage or treatment, our families, communities and economy are at risk. Maine cannot recover from this virus if our working families cannot afford to take care of themselves or their loved ones.

When the Legislature returns to session, they must immediately take action to increase the accessibility and affordability of health care.

Add your name to our petition to send a message to the Legislature: Every Mainer should have access to healthcare.

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