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TUNE IN: Commission on Paid Family and Medical Leave Discusses Implementation Of A Statewide Program

Yaw Akuffo-Anoff

On Monday, October 3rd, the Commission on Paid Family and Medical Leave will hold a meeting to discuss the preliminary findings of an actuarial report on implementing a statewide PFML program. The meeting will be held remotely and can be watched here.

Members of the Commission— consisting of bipartisan legislators, corporate and small business representatives, and health and labor experts — have been working together closely over the last year to develop a PFML program that works for every Mainer.

Right now, Mainers are working harder than ever, but are struggling to make ends meet. And, in an emergency situation or major life event, many are only able to take unpaid leave, if they’re able to take leave at all. Our working families are being stretched thin and need support.

That’s why it’s critical that the commission delivers a comprehensive PFML program, that gives workers 12 weeks of paid time off to care for a sick loved one, welcome a child, or recover should they fall ill. It helps working families, and it helps small, local businesses compete with larger corporations that may be able to afford or already have a policy in place. It keeps our communities safe and healthy. A statewide PFML policy is a win for everyone.

Tune in at 2 pm to watch the meeting, and call your local legislator to let them know that it’s past time for a PFML program here in Maine!

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